Winter is all about snuggling up on the couch with a hot chocolate, your favourite series and blankey.

This winter I decided to take on a DIY project. I made my own blankey. Why? Because I craved a good DIY project and I know how to knit. I also recently moved to Hungry so I had to leave my favourite blankey behind.

I chose the moss stitch because I like the bumps the pattern makes. It feels and looks good. I used the long-tail cast on and cast off methods so that the edges aren’t binded tightly.

The Moss Stitch is fairly simple. It’s one knit, one purl stitch.

You will need the following to make a lap blanket (60 cast on stitches)

  • 2x10mm stitching needles
  • 1 needle (for casting off)
  • 14x60m 10mm thick wool

Before this project I could only knit stitch. I used the following youtube sources to teach myself the cast on method as well as the moss stitch.