I started a pet project for the first time in 2017. This is rare for a software engineer 4 years into their career.

I had a few misconceptions when it came to pet projects that held me back. One of my excuses were that I didn’t want to spend my free time in front of a computer as well, but instead I would watch Game of Thrones 10 hours straight.

I use to think that a pet project meant that you’re super passionate about it and you believe it could be the next Facebook. I also thought that a pet project had to do something, fulfill some sort of need.

Four years into my career I finally decided to go for it. To start a pet project of the first thing that came to mind.

I love travelling and often do so over weekends and holidays. Before I leave for my destination I check the weather, exchange rates, flight distance etc. All this information in different locations. There we go, my first pet project. An app that provides you with all the information in one place.

Great! I had an idea. The last decision was to choose a framework. I chose Ionic purely because I have never developed a mobile app and it seemed to have a lot of documentation available. You can find my project here called “reisagent” which means travel agent in Dutch

reisagent {de}EN travel agent —bab dictionary

The myths

  • A pet project has to be the next Facebook or else I’m wasting my time

    Truth A pet project is never a waste of time. You’re constantly learning and becoming more comfortable with your technology stack. Or you could be learning a new technology stack. Some projects can do nothing while others can improve your daily routine eg. a mobile reminder app.

  • I have to complete my pet project before I can move onto the next one

    Truth The beauty of having a pet project is that it’s yours. You decide what to do with it. No one will judge you if you leave a pet project mid way.

  • It has to do something or fulfill a need in society

    Truth It does not have to do ANYTHING! If you want to practise your css, then your pet project can be to design a simple static web page with no functionality.

  • I am a nerd for working on my computer over weekends on projects that I don’t get paid for

    Truth Even if this myth is true, so what if you’re a nerd. It’s a new age where nerds are cool.

I like choosing an unfamiliar technology stack. It’s a great way to gain confidence in unknown territory eg. if you’re a mobile developer with a web pet project. I tend to prefer to start a pet project from scratch, but following a tutorial or forking a github project is a great way to get up to speed with a new technology stack.

I can’t promote starting a pet project enough - it’s yours, you own it which gives you the right to commit to master.