customize your jekyll blog with disqus comments, analytics and customized theme
Customizing your Jekyll theme’s CSS
- Create a file /css/style.scss
- Add the following content to the top of the file
- Add custom CSS below the import
Customizing your Jekyll theme’s HTML layout
- Create a file /_layouts/custom.html
- Customize the layout as you’d like
- Change the front matter of the page or post to use the custom template
I chose Disqus for adding commenting functionality to my blog. The integration was simple and quick to understand.
- Register on Disqus
- Create a file _includes/disqus.html
- Add the code provided by Disqus after registration
- Modify the file _layouts/post.html to include
include disqus.html
- Create an account through Google Analytics Admin
- Google will provide a JavaScript tracking snippet”. Add it to _includes/head.html so that it will be added to every page.
Customizing CSS and HTML in your Jekyll theme
Personal page and blog using Github pages and Jekyll